Desinstalador para mac high sierra
Desinstalador para mac high sierra

Desinstalador para mac high sierra

Python 2.7- as well as Ruby & Perl- are deprecated in Catalina: (skip to section " Scripting Language Runtimes" > " Deprecations") If you're thinking about manually removing Apple's default Python 2.7, I'd suggest you hang-fire and do-noting: Looks like Apple will very shortly do it for you: Python 2.7 Deprecated in OSX 10.15 Catalina If anyone that comes to this instructions try to use it with lion, should try instead to adapt it with what this post is saying: (.pkg_files)_on_Mac_OS_X Important: -unlink is not available anymore starting with Lion (as of Q1`2014 that would include Lion, Mountain Lion, and Mavericks). Or in one single line: pkgutil -pkgs | grep | xargs -L1 pkgutil -f -unlink In my example you will type pkgutil -unlink -2.7 It may include unexpected files due to package tainting. It can easily remove files required by your system.

Desinstalador para mac high sierra Desinstalador para mac high sierra

WARNING: This command makes no attempt to perform reference counting or dependency analy. Unlinks (removes) each file referenced by package-id. This is the unlink documentation: -unlink package-id You can now select which packages you will unlink (remove). If you installed it using the PKG installer, you can do: pkgutil -pkgs Depending on which shell you use, any of the following files may have been modified: If necessary, edit your shell profile file(s) to remove adding /Library/Frameworks/amework/Versions/2.7 to your PATH environment file.Ls -l /usr/local/bin | grep './Library/Frameworks/amework/Versions/2.7' | awk '' | tr -d | xargs rm See them using ls -l /usr/local/bin | grep './Library/Frameworks/amework/Versions/2.7'Īnd then run the following command to remove all the links: cd /usr/local/bin/ Remove the symbolic links, in /usr/local/bin, that point to this Python version. Remove the Python 2.7 applications directory sudo rm -rf "/Applications/Python 2.7" Remove the third-party Python 2.7 framework sudo rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/amework/Versions/2.7 Basically, all you need to do is the following: NOTE: The steps listed below do not affect the Apple-supplied Python 2.7 they only remove a third-party Python framework, like those installed by installers. Do not attempt to remove any Apple-supplied system Python which are in /System/Library and /usr/bin, as this may break your whole operating system.

Desinstalador para mac high sierra