Multicam 5000 manual
Multicam 5000 manual

The activity log will show the bad NC line and the location of the line to assist in isolating the problem in the NC file creation. This is an NC file error or file management error. This error occurs when the machine finds an unrecognized or bad line or instruction block in the NC file. Do not replace parts or service the machine. There is no electrical or mechanical problem with the machine. This error occurs when the machine finds an unrecognized or bad word or instruction in the NC file. Simply download the file again. This is an NC file error or file management error. This generally occurs when a required file has been accidently deleted. This error occurs when the requested job file or NC cannot be found.

multicam 5000 manual

This error can usually be identified and repaired by the machine operator. The machine expects to locate the Z sensor and cannot find it. This error occurs when the machine is seeking the Z sensor during a power up cycle or when the operator selects function 12. It can also occur if the system is setup for dual carriage or dual Y and the sensor on the secondary Y carriage is not working. This occurs when doing function 12 or when the machine first starts up. This error occurs when the Y limit sensor cannot be detected when seeking the Y origin. It can also occur if the system is setup for auto squaring and the second X sensor is not installed or not working.

multicam 5000 manual

This error occurs when the X limit sensor cannot be detected when seeking the X origin. It occurs when the machine is trying to set a knife angle but the device is not a tangential device or oscillating knife and it cannot rotate. This error can usually be identified and repaired by the machine operator. This error occurs when the machine tooling and devices are not set up properly and the operator uses function 42 to set the knife angle. Error 101 only occurs during a function 12 or in the initial boot up of the machine when the machine is seeking the sensors and setting the origins.

Multicam 5000 manual